Understanding What You Can Afford Quiz

Determining how much home you can responsibly afford is an important question to answer and a critical first step to take before you can begin house hunting.

Start by educating yourself about the costs of buying a home and owning a home, and the importance of an emergency fund. Then, test your knowledge with this quiz.


Typically, what funds must you be prepared to pay at closing?

question 1/4


How much money should you save for an emergency fund?

question 2/4


Which of the following costs must you be prepared to pay as a homeowner?

question 3/4


What is generally considered a reasonable monthly payment for a home?

question 4/4

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You’re quite an informed homebuyer – great job! Chances are, you have a good sense of exactly what you can afford. Keep up the good work!

You’re doing well, but perhaps a bit more time on our site would help you understand how much home you can afford. Knowledge is power!

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