Below are examples of the most commonly used search options.
Searching for this... | Finds files that... |
car test | contain both words car and test. |
loan (extension:doc OR extension:xls) | contain the word loan and the file extension doc or xls. |
"Knowledge is a matter of seconds" | which contains exactly the expression knowledge is a matter of seconds. |
jobs AND Texas | contain the words jobs and Texas. |
homes (Virginia OR Maryland) | contain the word homes and containes either Virginia or Maryland. |
calculators NEAR tools | contain the word calculators near the word tools. |
guide NOT multifamily | contain the word guide and not the word multifamily. |
You can also filter results by common metadata.
limit search for "lender" to item titles title:lender
limit search for "lender" to "xls" files lender extension:xls
limit search for "lender" to a part of the url path lender path:buying
limit search for "lender" to only lender
limit search for "lender" with multiple options title:lender extension:pdf path:buying