Working with a housing counselor

Each year, housing counselors help millions of individuals regain their financial footing.

HUD-certified counselors are trained, independent professionals who are available to help you with your financial needs. They can help you manage your debt, rebuild your credit, work with your loan servicer (the company listed on your mortgage statement) to avoid foreclosure and much more.

A housing counselor may be a great fit if you’re looking for someone to listen, offer advice and help you make informed decisions about your finances and home. Reach out today and don’t be ashamed or embarrassed about your situation – this is their job and they're here to help. Remember, similar to your conversation with your loan servicer, the more organized and prepared you are, the more productive your conversation will be.

How to find a housing counselor

  • Reach out to a HUD-certified housing counselor at one of Freddie Mac's Borrower Help Centers or Borrower Help Network for free assistance.

  • Search for a HUD-certified housing counselor in your area on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s website.

  • Call the national HOPE hotline at 888-995-HOPE or visit their website at This hotline is free and available 24 hours a day.

If you’re seeking counseling services on your own, be sure to do your homework. Unfortunately, there are scam artists who prey on distressed homeowners. If you've been approached by a company or individual promising to save your home from foreclosure for a fee or believe you’ve been the victim of a mortgage scam, call 1-888-995‐HOPE (4673) and report it immediately.